Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Contextual Research Task: gifs


This is a gif by Ori Toor. All of his looping gifs follow a similar aesthetic - low-fi, quite dark bubbly creatures which have looping smooth motions. As far as I can tell, these are purely made digitally on screen. Ori Toor said in an interview with itsnicethat that he doesn't plan out his gifs, he just sits down and starts drawing a frame and then continues adding shapes and colours until a character begins to take form, and then he develops the movements.

I think this is quite an interesting approach because it's challenging to think about the way a shape or character would move when drawing it frame by frame, and considering how smooth and characterful the movements are, it surprises me that he doesn't plan out these gifs.

In the same interview, he says that the gifs generally portray his struggle with depression and trying to cope with it and I think this comes across. Most of his gifs are quite dark and use a minimal colour scheme, and I think the scratchy texture that he applies to all of the characters also contributes to that atmosphere.

I really like this gif (and his others which follow a very similar style) because of the simplicity of the character and the movements, while still getting across strong feelings in his work. I also like the variety of facial expressions he gives his characters and I think the way that these don't change at all but the rest of the gif moves gives an interesting contrast which adds to his work.

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