Sunday, November 20, 2016

Shape and Texture

This session was based around shape, which I initially found very difficult to work with. Up until now, almost all of my drawings have been based around line and I hadn't really considered how to use shape to build up images.

 The first task was to use shapes to make pictures of our favourite fruit.

I wasn't happy with the results of this task. I tried to take a simple approach to it which makes it quite obvious that its a lime but other than that I don't think they've turned out that well. I didn't think about layering the shapes over each other at all, which perhaps could have added more depth. I also didn't think about how the shape works with the negative space on the page as well, which is an important part of composing an image. I also could have focused on different parts of the lime each time which is something I'd experiment with next time I use shape.

I found the second task much easier. We had to make a self portrait using shapes, but we were also told to incorporate texture into it as well.

I experimented a lot with layering to build up the texture of this piece. For example, on the face I used dark pink card but used tracing paper that I had painted on the lighten it and add some texture. I'm pleased with the way I've used these two materials to create a sense of depth and light on the nose. This task really made me think about what media and techniques would create the texture I wanted - this is why I used a dry brush with ink for the hair, but more freeing ink splotches on the clothes. 

If I had more time I think it would've been fun to try and build up the shape of the fabric of the clothes, maybe by cutting out different shapes and using darker colours to create depth.

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