I interviewed one of my flatmates- Will -first.
Me: When I say consumption, what comes to
Will: So when I think of consumption I
think of sort of um mass consumerism and
sort of the consumption of not necessarily edibles, but um you know technology,
and sort of just materialistic things. Um, so yeah consumption for me would be
linked to things like advertising
Me: And like capitalism?
Will: Capitalism, all that sort of stuff um
so more consumption on like a wider sense than individual like eating or
anything like that, yeah
Me: If I say consumption does that seem
like something that’s sustainable to you?
Will: What, is consumption sustainable?
Me: Yeah
Will: In terms of like
Me: Like, if I say the word consumption
does you think it’s like something that’s sustainable or not?
Will: Yeah, although I think it has to
constantly, like consumption needs to constantly change. Like people will
always want more. You kind of get tied up in consumption and it becomes like,
uh yeah you kind of, its kind of a bit of a cycle, it can be a bit destructive
but the more and more we’ve sort of provided with the more people will fall
into it. Its like a bit of a endless cycle
Like, if you eat a piece of bread and then
suddenly someone says here’s a piece of bread with butter, you’re gonna want
that cause its more
Me: Okay yeah that makes sense. So you’re
sort of speaking about it in a way –
Will: It’s like with celery. It’s good
celery but if someone says they’ve got hummus and celery
And its also about money
Me: So its kind a greed kind of thing?
Will: It’s greed. And you invest your money
in consuming stuff. Like the other day I spent an extra 2 quid on parma ham
instead of normal ham. I didn’t need that, but I wanted to con – you know? It’s
just the greed thing
Me: Okay
I then interviewed another of my flatmates; Adam.
Me: When I say the word consumption, what
comes to mind?
Adam: The consuming of goods, whether it be
food or like consumers like luxury things. Anything that can be purchased in a
Me: Um, is there any – Do you think of
consumption in a non-consumerist kind of way at all?
Adam: Only when it’s being put in that
context, when I think consume I would assume its being talked about consumerism
or the markets. Just something to do with purchasing goods rather than
consuming products
Me: Okay, um do you think consumerism has
gone too far now?
Adam: Consumerism has gone too far in
certain aspects, but overall it’s a positive thing. It’s increased like – yeah
the economy benefits from consumerism in a way that can’t really just be like
explained properly. It creates new jobs through the uh creation of different
goods. Um overall it’s a positive force but it can have some negative cultural
Me: Such as?
Adam: You do get people obviously that
maybe have bought into consumerism too much and define themselves purely by
what they purchase and what they have and don’t have but I think for the vast
vast majority of people this isn’t an issue
Both of these interviews focused on consumption in a very literal sense, in terms of food and products. This is helpful because it means that this must be what people think of when they think of consumption, and this could be useful when exploring the consumerist idea for my project, but not for the sustainability and repurposing line of thought I had been going with.
After this, I interviewed my friend Seb on his thoughts on consumption.
Me: What comes to mind when I say
Seb: Consumption? Well just absorbing a lot
of stuff you know? Nowadays society. To consume you know it doesn’t necessarily
have to be food, it can be cigarettes, drugs you know. Consumption comes in
many different forms
Me: What other forms of consumption can you
think of?
Seb: Well, I think the food, the drugs and
the cigarettes. Um, what else do we consume? We consume time, we could think
about it more fine arty way,
Me: Comsume time, okay that’s pretty deep.
What do you consume?
Seb: What do I consume? I consume mainly
food, lets say. I like consuming vegetables, meat, milk, eggs, cheese, butter,
Me: Okay, what about consumption on a wider
scale? Like consumerism and that kind of thing, what do you think about that?
Seb: I think that we as a population over
consume things and not only over consume things, over produce many things and
then consumption becomes more of a like a wasted theme because some of this
food just you know doesn’t get to the consumers and then just perishes,
disappears. This is not what we used to.
Me: Do you think consumption differs like
around the world in different places?
Seb: Yes absolutely I think that some
people almost under consume you know they don’t have much to eat they don’t
have you know much to consume anyway so they have to be more creative and they
really rely on what they either you know get or grow themselves or you know
what they manage to harvest or even steal you know? But we as a western world
its this massive idea of the consumption so for example I don’t know in England
there is so much waste food that could be potentially shipped to lets say
Africa or less developed countries that actually need the food but its just not
happening because you know people are thinking at a business level rather than
help other humans level
Me: I think that’ll do, unless there’s any
other stuff you can think of to talk about?
Seb: Hmm, on the top of my head, Czech
people consume a lot of beer. Uh and its like a tradition, its almost like our
nation is shaped based on what we consume. So for example there’s almost like
the famous saying that father will show you the pub before he shows you the cinema.
Cinemas are all around the world right, but beer you know its what really
shapes us as a nation. Well, I can say that because I’m Czech but yeah. Uh and
then in England theres different types of consumption in a way and you get –
lets just stop it there actually.
My interview with Seb was quite interesting because he brought up a few points that I hadn't thought about. For example, consuming time was a very interesting point and not something that had crossed my mind. However, I feel like that could encompass so many different things that it would be too vague to try and tailor a project around. However, unlike Will and Adam, he began to think about consumption in a different way, in a negative way in terms of how we over consume things and how we could remedy that. This feeds into my project more because I am more focused on how we can repurpose things and be more resourceful with our consumption in order to reduce it.
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